Our Goal and Mission

Our Mission

Our Mission is to create a fun and safe space for our students to discover more of themselves through the dramatic arts, and where they can grow and become leaders and a better version of themselves.  We foster our students by creating and maintaining a sustainable and vibrant environment. 

Our Vision:
Acting for Kids vision is to become a significant creative force in the community through strategic partnerships that will enable us to create an enriching, welcoming experience to all. 

Our Values:
Our values are simple.  We believe in our students, Community, Creativity. Family,  Collaboration, Diversity, Innovation, Respect, love and inclusion.  

Our Philosophies:
We are firm believers that students tend to become more successful with navigating any artform, when they have a collaborative, positive, safe and creative community that creative space. Acting provides so many different opportunities for students to become open to a varying array of perspectives. It is not only through reflection and discussions, but also the self-explanation. Acting is an expression of body, mind, voice and soul. It ignites imagination and improvisation.  Students will be highly motivated, and our nurturing and professional teachers are here to guide these young minds to greatness.

Our classes